How To Play

TomPlanting1Welcome to Tom’s Maze…
Nature’s own 8 acre puzzle game featuring 3 miles of paths for you to explore.

Your challenge will be to find 12 puzzle pieces located throughout the Maze at roadside mailboxes. The American flag flies proudly over the Victory Bridge which is the exit and your final goal.

Maze workers are stationed at observation bridges to help you if you need assistance. Water stations are located at the bridges. Orange ribbon lines the outside path of the Maze. The Orange Path goes completely around the Maze and will take you to the exit and the restrooms.

Tom’s Maze is a salute to the American Farmer living in a maze of uncertainty every day.

Caution: Tom’s Maze is a creative use of a cornfield, but it is a working cornfield, nonetheless.

  • Stay on on the paths, do not cut through the corn.
  • Walk carefully, please do not run.
  • Please keep young children in sight at all times.
  • Anyone displaying unsafe or destructive behavior will be asked to leave.
  • No Smoking

Hint: The paths are marked with various colors of ribbon. Each mailbox is numbered and has a designated color. Good Luck!

Thank you for visiting Tom’s Maze. We hope you will enjoy our amazing cornfield!